
Here you can find some videos of our products.

Surgical microwave ablation in the liver

Use of the EndoScout tracking system to guide the placement of microwave ablation probe on the surface of the liver during open surgery in the Signa-SP surgical scanner (courtesy of Prof. Tani and Dr. Naka, Shiga University of Medical Sciences, Japan).

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Minimally invasive microwave ablation in the liver

Use of the tracking system to guide transcutaneous placement of microwave ablation probe, using the Signa-SP surgical scanner (courtesy of Prof. Tani and Dr. Naka, Shiga University of Medical Sciences, Japan).

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Motion correction demo

An example of motion correction in MRI

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Leg biopsy and user interview

Leg biopsy using the Endoscout system and an interview of the user.

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Prospective motion correction with reacquisition

This video shows a comparison between Prospective Motion Correction (ProMoCo) without reacquisition versus ProMoCo with reacquisition.

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